A film essay that explores the relationship between film and memory, based on the personal memoir of the director. An autobiographical attempt to...
Time and Memory
Terror, transsexualism, and an eternal cult film. What is on the mind of horror film director Juan López Moctezuma and his fans, Manolo and...
Alucardos: Portrait of a Vampire
This documentary begins searching for the whereabouts of the films that Servando Gonzalez did about the events of October 2nd 1968 in Tlatelolco,...
Los Rollos Perdidos
After years of suffering from a sleep disorder, Asunción turns to a specialist who will help her discover the causes of her insomnia.
Los No Invitados
"Ni Muy Muy, Ni Tan Tan, Simplemente, Tin Tan. Tin Tan was one of the greatest comdedian-actors in the...
Ni Muy, Muy... ni Tan, Tan... simplemente Tin Tan
Braham, an introverted young man, rejects the conflictive violence of human beings and remains apart from them, until he falls in love.
Trailer (Humanity, Food Of The Gods)
During 1950, Miguel Contreras Torres led a group of filmmakers to officially denounce William O. Jenkins' monopoly on film theaters, which was built...
The Black Legend of Mexican Cinema
This documentary explores key moments in the life of writer Juan Rulfo, with artists such as Werner Herzog and Eduardo Galeano reflecting on his work.
One Hundred Years with Juan Rulfo