Placido Domingo heads an internationally renowned cast in Emilio Sagi's stylish new production for Madrid's Teatro Real of Moreno Torroba's enduring...
Luisa Fernanda
Edita Gruberova, Jose Bros, and Carlos Alvarez star in this Teatre del Liceu production of the Bellini opera conducted by Friedrich Haider and...
I Puritani
This production of Mascagni's three-act comedic opera includes a stellar cast, headed by Jose Bros as Fritz.
L'Amico Fritz
Bellini opera with Daniel Oren conducting the Orchestra and Chorus of thel Maggio Musicale Fiorentiono.
La Sonnambula
Lluis Pasqual's powerful production for the Spanish capital sets Da Ponte's timeless story of sleaze and seduction into the dark world of 1940s...
Mozart: Don Giovanni