Follows six friends who break down in the middle of nowhere on the way to a concert and encounter with the Desert fiends, a deranged family that...
Desert Fiends
Three friends attempt to see their favorite band live. Hilarity ensues.
To Wish Impossible Things
After being abducted by a psychopath, a husband is subjected to three horrific tales of terror while his family is held captive in an attached cargo...
Terror Tales
A group of teens break into a shed to steal a part for their school project where a body is kept on dry ice. Awakening an evil entity, they find out...
Body Keepers
Max, a young record store clerk stumbles upon a rare vinyl LP and is drawn into the world of a 1970s hippie commune. An invitation to the remnants of...
Pater Noster and the Mission of Light
Based on a true story, this riveting western follows a headstrong New York widow as she journeys west to meet Sioux chief Sitting Bull, facing off...
Woman Walks Ahead
The true story of a recently widowered lawman who befriends a boy dying of tuberculosis and a madam of the local brothel while their town is being...
Deadman Standing
Brandon is back! In this long-awaited unofficial sequel/spin-off to the Amateur Porn Star Killer trilogy. It is the first film in history to include...
Ted Bundy Had a Son
In 1892, the Dalton Gang set out to become the most famous outlaws in America. That dream would become a nightmare.
Death Alley
A failed entrepreneur does whatever it takes to get his prank channel to one million subscribers.
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