A coming-of-age story that features a reluctant young woman who accidentally falls to Earth and ends up a superhero. Originally conceived as a...
Set in the year 2043, Mirasol lives a monotonous and lonely existence on a secluded farm. One day out gardening, a discovery opens the door to...
Love and unity in a school torn by racism and hate in the 1970s. A gifted high school football player must learn to embrace his talent and his faith...
On the face of it, they’re just another family moving to the wide open spaces of the Big Sky Country for a tree change. But for teenage Imogen...
Broken Ghost
A beautiful and naive college freshman discovers that her entire life is a lie and sets out on a road trip with a host of misfits to discover herself...
October Baby
Ally escapes an abusive relationship but hallucinates about her abuser. She receives cryptic messages suggesting he's nearby. As the messages...
Both Eyes Open