Set in modern day Helsinki, Finland, Virality portrays the lives of several main characters confronted with viral themes. The film links emerging...
Turo is stuck in a small village and the best thing in his life is being the lead vocalist for the amateur metal band Impaled Rektum. He and his...
Heavy Trip
A one-shot horror thriller about a kidnapped man who has ended up in a bad place in many ways.
A Really Bad Place
Eevi works in a beauty parlor, leading a humdrum life in the suburbs of Helsinki with his husband Kari, a wannabe rocker. After the jackpot, the...
Winning Ticket
Seventeen-year-olds Miku and Elias find themselves, and each other, during a summer in the Finnish countryside.
After getting released from prison, Eeva returns to her old home town with only a shoulder bag, cellphone and the clothes she is wearing. She wants...
A Mother
Sara blames herself for the death of her husband – and makes the worst mistake of her life by resorting to the help of an ouija board in her...
Don't Stay Too Long