The wedding of Kornel, a young, well known TV scientist, to the famous singer, Alicja, is to be the social event of the year. In the suburban...
As an aging woman married to a workaholic doctor by chance meets a young man who makes her feel young again. All of this is films by a director...
Sweet Rush
In 1989, Lara Hill, accompanies her art historian father to an abandoned castle across the Iron Curtain. From a car crash outside of the castle,...
The Curse of Styria
Three high school graduates prepare to start the next chapter of their lives, but the outbreak of World War II may derail their dreams forever.
Tomorrow, We're Going to the Movies
The year is 1939. The world is falling into chaos. Thousands of Poles, held by the Russians in a former monastery, are subjected to brutal...
Miasto z morza
Four people turn to plastic surgery as the last resort in their search for perfection - their appearances will change, but will their lives?
Desire for Beauty