Realizing that her unknown biological father is probably alive, Sofia leaves behind a degrading and humiliating life and embarks on a journey with...
Where Have All the Good Men Gone
Simon and Frede lives in a provincial village south of Copenhagen. The year is 1991, and if you don't like watching football, there are few...
Inspired by true events, "While We Live" follows four people in Northern Denmark and how their fates intertwine in a tragic accident.
While We Live
When Laura and Christine meet Maria, their friendship takes an intense turn to vulnerability, love and sex.
You & Me Forever
Masturbating in a bed filled with dolls and teddy bears, teenage girl Agnes is tired of hearing about how accepting God at her confirmation will...
Kimmi, Sally and Nancy, best friends forever, are spending the night hiding out and drinking at their high school. Kimmi is a vampire and in love...
In the wake of a series of seemingly insignificant events, an ordinary school day for Sara, Mikkel, Louise and Hassan develops into a tragic turning...
Hold Me Tight