Chirusoku Summer, the film set in the sister cities of Pusan, South Korea and the city of Shimonoseki-shi, Yamaguchi. During the Summer of 2003, four...
The Stars Converge
Yoshinaga, a real-estate agent, has a young female customer one day. She asks him to take her to the apartment where she used to live. When he plays...
A Letter from Elsewhere
Hiro, an unpopular comedian, lives with his girlfriend Kano, an editor. Hiro starts to distance himself from Kano with fewer live appearances and...
Socratic Love
Naomi sacrificed her own youth to raise her daughter Yuriko. After Yuriko graduated from school Naomi moves out into the world to catch up on her own...
Just Like a Mother
Nine former members of a high school baseball team reunite for the first time in seven years, invited to meet again by an unknown figure. The friends...