A Tokyo psychiatrist is hoping to better his career by marrying the daughter of a prominent doctor. The match is threatened however when an...
The Enchantment
Love story that Oguri Kaori attracts bold performance. Hiroshi, an elite employee of a toy company, was having days filled with a beautiful wife. One...
Honey Flavour
A young man, Yusaku, who bets his youth on taking pantographs, accidentally takes a pantograph of an idol, Yuka, and sets off for his dream overseas...
IMADOKI: First Love Story
A three-part omnibus horror work hosted by Hideyo Amamoto.
A Gruesome and Terrifying Story that Happened in Real Life
A big battle between world class phantom thieves unfolds over the worlds largest diamond!
Big Boss
Hiroko attends the memorial service of her fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, who died in a mountain-climbing incident. Although Itsuki's mother says that...
Love Letter
This is a modern love story that depicts love between men and women in a slightly risqué, frightening, and funny way. The story is told in an...
Her 3 - Kanojyo No Sanjyou