Kaoru, an old woman, calls under Hitoshi Kamibayashi. Jin, who was suspicious of the unusual atmosphere, visits Kaoru's husband and former brother,...
Jingi 16: Betrayal Ammunition
Miss Hotetor was killed in the sand group Shima. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, who rushed to the scene, was hit by a fierce shooting by a man in a black...
Jingi 17: The Beast of Killing All
The Kanto Ichienkai sways under the administration of Chairman Sakai. The fire of internal conflict did not know that Dane would die. Hitoshi and...
Jingi 19: Killing Army
A dispute also occurred at the Hitachi Union, an organization next to the Kanto Ichienkai, to which Hitoshi and Yoshiro belong. It is said that the...
Jingi 18: The Price of the Rebellion