The hit series “Super Scary Stories,” which has been made into a film many times in Takeshobo's original horror collection, is now...
「Chō」Kowai Hanashi TV Kanzen-ban Episode 3
「Chō」Kowai Hanashi TV Kanzen-ban Episode 1
「Chō」Kowai Hanashi TV Kanzen-ban Episode 2
Chiaki Onoda a young assisstant sound mixer is unhappy with his job, but otherwise he is enjoying life. He loves his cat, his friends, hunting for...
Crybaby Chacha
Green Requiem
15-year-old Aya Kito was an ordinary girl, the daughter of a family who works at a tofu shop, and a soon-to-be high schooler. However, odd things...
1 Litre of Tears