Ten contestants of a reality show, who come from different backgrounds, are taken to a secluded island. When some of them get killed one after...
A palace in Jayamahal is disowned by a rich family. Three generations later, the family returns back to their ancestral palace and soon experience...
A newly transferred police officer Prithvi is assigned a missing case. It leads to other instances where he gets trapped and his life is at stake....
As the soul of the film is communal harmony Artha has been shot in an ancient fort of Gulbarga where people belonging to different communities are...
The story revolves around two areca cultivators and the tensions and circumstances that shape and influence their relationship, is based on a...
A gang of notorious criminals go about looting houses, raping and murdering women. Chalapathy, a brave and brilliant police officer, sets out to...
Krishna, an auto driver, sets up a ruse to help his girlfriend, Rukmini, but both of them end up getting caught in it. Soon strange, ghostly things...
Kapata Nataka Paatradhaari