The film follows the story of Hadzi Trifun, a prominent Serbian merchant, who tries to keep the peace with the Turkish authorities, but also...
Bad Blood
During 1941 in Belgrade, two well-known thieves try to carry out the biggest robbery of Nazi authorities ever.
The Robbery of the Third Reich
Story of two sisters that grew up in a small Serbian village in the beginning of the 1930s. The village is torn up by wars and years long blood oath....
Tears for Sale
Zona Zamfirova is set in the eastern Serbian city of Niš in the 19th century. The plot follows the story of Zona Zamfirova, a local rich man's...
Zamfir's Zona
The year is 1917. We are in the Russian countryside. It is the middle of freezing winter. A pale young, newly educated doctor arrives. Having to deal...
In a rented apartment in Belgrade lives Srećko, who always plays the same combination of lotteries in the hope to win a premium one day. Local...
Chasing Luck(y)
The story evolves around the Arian sect. During the III century AD they have seriously shaken the very foundations of Christian world. It is also...
Ginger: More Than a Game (Serbian: Zlatna levica, priča o Radivoju Koraću) is a Serbian documentary film about famous Serbian basketball...
Ginger: More Than a Game
The plot of this film can be viewed from a two different levels. The first is universal and deals with the psychological theme of need for...
Save Our Souls
Based on the novel of Arsen Diklić which describes the horror’s of concentration camp Jasenovac.
The Children of Kozara
When hell rises... One man will go to war for the survival of the humanity!
Wrath of the Dead: Prologue
The adventures of a skillful Belgrade policeman who proves to be equally successful as a caring father.
The Policeman from Cock's Hill
While floating down the Danube, two wannabe terrorists reach Novi Sad with a plan to set up a bomb there. A guy who walks near finds the bomb by an...
A middle-aged former criminal has little time to live due to cancer, so he gets to see his son after 5 years to spend his last week with him and...
Weekend with Pops