Irmeli, seitsentoistavuotias
Viikon tyttö
The film tells the story of the women of Larsvik Manor, especially the young lady of the house Barbi during World War II.
Kartanon naiset
Sadan miekan mies
The S/S Vellamo heads to Alexandria with Kaarina, the daughter of the ship's owner Hallerman, on board. As Kaarina trades places with the family's...
Kalle Aaltosen morsian
The film follows a dress rehearsal of a charity concert.
Suuri sävelparaati
In the early 1800s, Finnish governor's daughter first detests but soon falls in love with Russian Czar Alexander I who has just taken Finland over...
Tanssi yli hautojen
Tervetuloa aamukahville eli tottako toinenkin puoli?
Nokea ja kultaa
Three young men trying to find a place in society after the war.
Nuoruus sumussa
Pontevat pommaripojat
Vain laulajapoikia
Maija löytää sävelen
Rantasalmen sulttaani
Senni ja Savon sulttaani
Tar Steam Princess Armada travels along Lake Saimaa to St. Petersburg and back during the years of Russian rule over Finland. The ship's crew gets...
Kaunis Veera eli ballaadi Saimaalta
Eager young radio reporter Teräsvuori stages a one-man burglary into the Helsinki Art Museum, recorded on tape for a later broadcast by his...
Radio tekee murron