"MTV Unplugged" presents beloved American rocker John Mellencamp. The program, which was taped in Los Angeles in April of 1992, features a medley of...
John Mellencamp: MTV Unplugged
A documentary film about session and touring musicians that are hired by well-established and famous bands and artists. These people may not be...
Hired Gun
Chickenfoot at Pryor Festival Grounds, Pryor, OK, USA. Songs: Lighten Up / Big Foot / Last Temptation / Sexy Little Thing / Soap on a Rope / Down the...
Chickenfoot: Rocklahoma Festival 2012
Premonition is a 1998 live CD and DVD by John Fogerty. He performs both songs by his earlier band, Creedence Clearwater Revival, as well as songs...
John Fogerty: Premonition
Johnny Cash influenced a great variety of musicians and it was never more apparent than on Friday, April 20, 2012 at The Moody Theater in Austin, TX....
We Walk The Line: A Celebration of the Music of Johnny Cash
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Beatles' first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show, this magnificent star-studded tribute salutes the...
The Night That Changed America: A Grammy Salute to the Beatles
John Fogerty plays a classic hit-laden set on the second day of the Stagecoach Country Music Festival in Indio, CA, April 30, 2016.
John Fogerty - Stagecoach 2016
An ageing hard-living 1970s rock star decides to change his life when he discovers a 40-year-old undelivered letter written to him by John Lennon.
Danny Collins
Ringo Starr: A Lifetime of Peace and Love