Cartoon Carnival tells the story of the pioneering early days of the animated art-form and chronicles one film preservationist's quest to rescue...
Cartoon Carnival
Film editing initially began as a woman's art in France. As veteran film editor, Dede Allen, tell it, "They thought that women were good at little...
Editors on Editing
Documentary about Hollywood during the silent film era.
Silent Hollywood: Cult, Stars, Scandals
In 1942, Charles Chaplin released his definitive sound version of THE GOLD RUSH, effectively abandoning the original 1925 silent version of his film....
Presenting The Gold Rush
A nostalgic and compelling look into the legendary three camera, three projector process that revolutionized motion pictures and led the industry...
Cinerama Adventure
A riveting account of the tragic adventure of filmmaker Varick Frissell and his filming of "The Viking" (1931) and the tragic events that befell that...
White Thunder
Travelogue of two film historians Nikolay Izvolov and Sergey Kapterev who visit world film archives around the globe in search of a lost sound...
Searching for the Lost Pochta
The film will track the evolution of the action hero in films and how aspects and perspectives have changed about them. Along with Stallone, it will...
The Original Action Hero
A documentary about the Irish scientist Charlotte Keppel who in the 1930s invented a machine that could see into the past.
The Chronoscope
A TCM original production on why silent movies matter, featuring new interviews with Honorary Academy Award winner Kevin Brownlow, filmmaker Bill...
Silents, Please! A Love Letter to the Silent Era
Three Hours That Shook the World: Observations on Intolerance is an interview with Kevin Brownlow which includes occasional clips and stills from the...
Three Hours That Shook the World: Observations on Intolerance
Follows the creation of Lindsay Anderson's The White Bus (1968), from pre-production to the shoot and in post.
About "The White Bus"
NOTFILM is a feature-length experimental essay on FILM -- its author Samuel Beckett, its star Buster Keaton, its production and its philosophical...
The epic life story of Alice Guy-Blaché (1873–1968), a French screenwriter, director and producer, true pioneer of cinema, the first...
Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché
A look back at Charlie Chaplin's early life and career, from his rough childhood and music hall success in England to his early Hollywood days and...
Birth of the Tramp
As the documentary points out, 85 percent of all silent pictures are gone forever because of neglect, abuse, and improper storage of original prints....
The Race to Save 100 Years
Documentary following the history of America's first cinematographers.
Image Makers: The Adventures of America's Pioneer Cinematographers
The making of Winstanley (1975)
It Happened Here Again
Blonde, beautiful and talented, Marion Davies was the first and funniest screwball comedienne. As star of two of the best comedies ever made, Show...
Captured on Film: The True Story of Marion Davies
55-Minute BBC Arena documentary on the film actress Louise Brooks
Louise Brooks
Using rare footage and exclusive interviews with filmmakers from all over the globe, "Reel Herstory" corrects the historic notion that women behind...
Reel Herstory: The Real Story of Reel Women
BBC documentary on the long and flamboyant career of French filmmaker Abel Gance.
Abel Gance: The Charm of Dynamite