The definitive film portrait of Matt Busby, Bill Shankly, and Jock Stein. An incredible story of how three men born in the central lowlands of...
The Three Kings
This eye-opening film tells the incredible, little-known tale of three Nottingham Forest football players, Viv Anderson, Garry Birtles and Tony...
Local Heroes
Liverpool’s rise from obscurity to glory, devised in the fabled Anfield Boot Room, was built on a set of ideals familiar in Merseyside:...
The Boot Room Boys
501 goals from 50 of Liverpool's greatest goalscorers. Red's striking legend John Aldridge is your host as he counts down the players and goals that...
Liverpool FC: 501 Goals
SHANKLY: NATURE'S FIRE explores the remarkable life and career of BILL SHANKLY, the legendary Liverpool Football Club manager who came to leave such...
Shankly: Nature’s Fire
To give in, the blood must flow.
Kevin Keegan selects a team from all of the greatest players who have played for Newcastle United to create his greatest ever Newcastle United team.
Kevin Keegan's Greatest Ever Newcastle United Team