Based on a Japanese manga, Kanna-San, Daiseikou Desu, this story revolves around Kang Han-na, an overweight phone sex employee and secret vocalist...
200 Pounds Beauty
Gwang-sik is very shy around women and he can't even speak a word to them. Gwang-tae is a playboy who enjoys sleeping around with other women. They...
When Romance Meets Destiny
"Amazing" centers on a video game company boss, Frank (Eric Mabius of TV's "Ugly Betty"), who is eager to rush his firm's new thought-controlled...
"Catch Me" is about Lee Ho-tae (Joo Won) who meets the first love of his dreams, Yoon Jin-sook (Kim Ah-joong) for the first time in ten years but is...
Steal My Heart
Yoon-Jung accidentally calls a stranger, instead of her boyfriend, and has phone sex with the unknown man. When Yoon-Jung's relationship with her...
Whatcha Wearin'?
A young Korean man surpasses his difficult childhood by becoming a powerful prosecutor, but soon learns that real power comes at a price.
The King
Director Chung Ji-Young criticizes the thought that older directors have difficulties in making certain movies. Actress Yoon Jin-Seo agonizes over...
Ari Ari the Korean Cinema
After a group of criminals manage to escape while being transported, a skilled task force is assembled to help track and return them to prison.
The Bad Guys: The Movie
A man is investigating an assassin, who turns out to be his own girlfriend.
The Present
A bright sexy comedy about a wholesome town and four mysterious couples and their sneaky lives. It is the new work of director Lee Hae-yeong, who...
Foxy Festival