An eccentric musical comedy based on the tale of Korney Chukovsky. In Africa, monkeys fell ill. This news was reported to Dr. Aybolit by the monkey...
About Lenin's brother Alexander Ulyanov and his comrades' fight against the Russian autocracy.
Executed at the Dawn
Unbidden Love
Devil With a Briefcase
An experienced intelligence officer arrives in the USSR as a tourist. The staff of the State Security Committee manages to find out the real reason...
Black Business
Based on the novel by Vladimir Orlov "Salty Watermelon". About the youth team of builders laying in the taiga railway Abakan-Tayshet. In the taiga,...
The Taiga Troopers
Anatoli Kuzmich retired and received a separate apartment in a new house. He and his wife are happy and make bright plans for the future: how they...
Adult Children
In the summer of 1942, the Soviet army is fighting the Germans on the Don River. Young lieutenant Ogarkov gets lost in the steppe and fails to...
Two on the Steppes