Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and...
Esko is going to a neighboring village to marry Kreeta after her father arranged the marriage with Esko's father. Esko takes Mikko as his travel...
The headmaster of a private girls' school is doing her best to maintain strict discipline in the school. In addition to the loosening morals of the...
Scandal in the Girls' School
Täällä Pohjantähden alla is based on the book with the same title. It is a story of the little village. The movie starts in the...
Here, Beneath the North Star
Kaunis Kaarina
Viisi vekkulia
Autuas eversti
An ex-finnish army officer Kari Kivi returns to Finland after 12 years of absence. He is quickly hired by a businessman named Östermalm to be...
Kovaa peliä Pohjolassa
Otto and Kaija have celebrated their surprise wedding, but after a coctail party nothing between them is the same as Otto does not remember what...
Myöhästynyt hääyö
Meiltähän tämä käy
It is the summer of 1941. An eastern-Finnish machine gun company receives an order to turn in their surplus equipment. The company is transferred to...
The Unknown Soldier
Young advertising executive Vatanen suddenly quits his job and his whole life in Helsinki, and decides to spend a while in the Finnish wilderness. A...
The Year of the Hare
For six hundred years Sweden had controlled most of Finland until the war with Russia that ended in 1809, when Finland became a Grand Duchy of the...
Sven Tuuva the Hero
A story set in post-war Helsinki, where the last released prisoners of war arrive. They are accompanied by Captain Erkki Lahtinen, who returns to his...
Yhteinen vaimomme
1765. Regina Tuomaantytär is engaged to Juha. However, she is also courted by Martti Heikkilä, soldier Matti Modig and Kalle Brockman....
A former Red Rebellion leader returns home after being imprisoned for his participation in the Finnish Civil War, but soon finds out that wartime...
Akseli and Elina