After losing a street race to Tatsuya Shima's legendary "Blackbird" Porsche 911 Turbo, high school student Akio Asakura purchases a heavily-modified...
Wangan Midnight: The Movie
A young high school Yanki (Japanese delinquent), Tokio, gets suspended from his school and ventures out to Ikebukuro. Aiming to become a janitor for...
Toshiaki is a young gay man. On the first day of work, he meets Yosuke in the elevator. Yosuke is Toshiaki's new boss. Toshiaki is attracted to...
No Touching at All
Taiga wakes up in an unknown place, next to Niina with whom he had lost contact. Confined in a school with former elementary school classmates and...
JINROH Shokei Game
Elementary school alumnus are held captive in a school and forced to play a fatal game "Jinroh Game."
Killing Curriculum
Four boys from Okinawa Island have been friends since their childhood. Together with Rin, who is also from their hometown, and who has always been...
Route 58
Soichi Negishi moved to Tokyo to chase his dream of becoming a musician playing stylish, Swedish-style pop. Instead, he finds himself leading the...
Detroit Metal City