The twin sister and ex-boyfriend of a missing grad student lead their friends down a labyrinth of dark tunnels inhabited by an alien entity, in...
The Quantum Terror
The crew of a local horror movie showcase, used to broadcasting creepy stories of heinous killers, finds themselves trapped with a real killer among...
Two guys steal a haunted doll from a museum with the intention of studying it for a week to capture paranormal phenomena on film. However, things...
When her pit bull is stolen by an amateur dog fighter, 14-year old Leila is forced to stand up for herself, at the cost of her own innocence.
Ryan Hinds awakes inside a sealed industrial kiln. He is set challenges by a voice with no face, pushed to the limits of human endurance as the...
200 Degrees
Michael Delaney is out of prison and back on the streets. He makes it to Harlem where things are not as peaceful and quiet as it seems.
Welcome to Harlem, Georgia
An immigrant worker at a pickle factory is accidentally preserved for 100 years and wakes up in modern day Brooklyn. He learns his only surviving...
An American Pickle
TOY BOX is a true-crime horror film about the victims and their horrifying ordeal being held captive by a sexual sadist/serial killer, David Parker...
Toy Box