The film is based on the biography of Valeri Chkalov (1904 - 1938), a Russian pilot, who set several long distance flight records. Chkalov and his...
Wings of Victory
Yakov Sverdlov
The true story of one of Russia's most beloved national heroines. During the Nazi siege of Moscow, a fearless 18-year-old girl named Zoya risked her...
A loose Communist adaptation of a Dostoyevsky novel.
Petersburg Nights
A man of big status disappears in a small provincial town. An old bored investigator and his young hyperactive assistant are on a trail of a bloody...
The Safety Match
The monotonous life of a provincial town Verhopoli violates the arrival of the railway builders - engineers Cherkun and Tsyganov.
The Barbarians
This literary adaptation was the first Soviet feature length dramatization, as opposed to documentary film, on the momentous Battle of Stalingrad.
Days and Nights