Set in 2009, Trauma Kuntilanak tells the story of four students who are working on a horror documentary as their final assignment. The four students...
Trauma of the Dead
Indra, a graduate student, is having an identity crisis and decides to do the unthinkable when he finds out that Bagas, his lecturer, is about to...
PUTRI and WILDAN have to abide to a condition set by Wildan's parents if they want their relationship to be approved: Wildan must meet his former...
The Farewell Date
The lives of 3 best friends turned into hell when they decided to reenact the death of a legendary underground adult film star named Bima Jantan in...
Bootlegging My Way Into Hell
A couple is enjoying an Independence Day meal and counts their blessings.
What If?
A documentary filmmaker team is haunted by a series of supernatural events while working on a documentary about the urban legend "Mama Minta Hotspot".
Mama Minta Hotspot
Ahmad, a closeted gay Muslim man, is having his 25th birthday party with his mother and friends when he finds out that his boyfriend had just passed...
After her husband dies from a sex doll called Love Jenglot (a cryptid creature), Tia teams up with the Intisari Team to unravel the mystery behind...
Tumbal Kenikmatan Portabel
After the funeral of a parent, Surya, a gay Muslim man, has to choose between coming out and staying in the closet when his mother wants to fix their...
Kelly and Dika have been dating since junior year in college. Now, five years into the relationship, they might not be in the same place anymore. Are...
On the Verge
Enjoy terror offerings in Standard Definition visuals! Shot by MiniDV. Three syndicate women decided to hold a sex party to celebrate the success of...
Kesurupan Erotik
Tells about two young women who slowly sink into a series of hallucinations and demonic nightmares that lead them to the abyss of hell.
A Film By Satan (Or Satanic Ceremony in a Cadaveric Madness)
Not having the emotional maturity or the qualification doesn't stop Kevin from making an online service where he offers to befriend people who are...
Virtual Buddy With Kevin