A haunting fairy-tale thriller set between snowy landscapes and a neon city. A KINKY SLICE OF PULP-SATIRE! The film is laced with pitch black humor...
No Right Turn
The early 1990s: 300,000 Danes are out of work. Viggo, a machinist with two grown children, is silent about feelings, scared he'll lose his job, loud...
Fish Out of Water
A dying elderly scientist proposes love-sick Jonas a cure that will improve the youngster's physical skills and general sex-appeal. What the...
Body Switch
Combining the exultant sweep of epic period drama with the subtle intimacy of biography in a social perspective, this is a tale of materially...
Carl, My Childhood Symphony
In an apartment in Copenhagen a young Arabic man is placing an object that appears to be a bomb in a backpack. Meanwhile he listens to the radio news...
The Major