A re-imagining of the classic Hans Christian Anderson tale. In straight suburbia, in a world comprised entirely of lines and squares, a young boy's...
The Ugly Duckling
Set in London's iconic Prince Charles Cinema, The Regulars follows a day in the life of its hapless employees. During their shift they watch movies,...
The Regulars
Returning for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts, Harry is stunned to find that his warnings about the return of Lord Voldemort have been ignored....
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
On a cold British evening, Cherry Smith goes for an audition at first-time director Beaufort Bladamir's house, who's passion for realism pushes the...
Karen wakes up one morning after a heavy night drinking alone, only to find a handsome stranger in a suit, sitting at the foot of her bed. Who is he?...
Karen's Room