The Ideal Squad is a Comedy, revolving around the duo Khue (Hoang Oanh) and Phong (Hua Vi Van). After a chance encounter, the duo drags Bay Cuc (Vo...
The Ideal Squad
In the heart of Saigon, Thai and Linh are getting married. But the wedding is suddenly cut short when four other brides show up – threatening...
Battle of the Brides
During a mission to Earth, two fairies are exposed to the human world for the first time. Everything is new and strange which causes lots of...
The Lost Dragon
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Battle Of The Brides 2
Tensions rise and untold secrets surface for three royals sisters when a family treasure is stolen the night before an antique auction.
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When Nhị, the eldest daughter-in-law, announces her plan to personally fund the renovation of the family’s ancestral house before the...
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