1970. Beatriz is an 18-year-old student. She is detained by the military dictatorship in Curitiba, Brazil, and tortured for ten days accused of...
Ana Argento, an accomplished cartoon artist yet frustrated with her relationships, meets two other lonely characters with peculiar lives. Daniel...
Morgue Story: Sangue, Baiacu e Quadrinhos
A successful writer experiments with a new creativity-inducing brain chip by implanting it in the mind of a naive country girl, Cristi. The results...
Nervo Craniano Zero
Lavanderia Shermer
Western book writer, Eugenio is going through a difficult phase. He is famous for the novels starring the Jesus Kid, but his sales have been going...
Jesus Kid
Marcelo leaves his family and moves to Mato Grosso do Sul, where he learns how to fly airplanes by himself watching the pilots. One day, he responds...
It all started when Smilingüido decided to clean up his gloves and yellow boots. That day the Queen praised him greatly. Despite the great...
Smilinguido em Moda Amarela
You can check out 6 unedited stories with Smilingüido and his entire class. Check out the chapters: Adventure in the Forest; Kind-hearted;...
Smilinguido em Histórias de Formiga
Smilingüido and Piriá go out into the woods to do research for Mestre Formisã's class. What they do not know is the great...
Smilinguido em A Invasão
Pildas is chased by a bunch of unfriendly ladybugs. Meanwhile, some workers in the anthill plan a strike so they can have their old ministerial...
Smilinguido em Histórias de Formiga 2