Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and...
Muuan sulhasmies
An uptight all-girl school teacher Leena Kataja stumbles upon a handsome artist Pertti Rinne who paints her face on a nude portrait, much to her...
Opettajatar seikkailee
Autuas eversti
Finnish tv film
A story about vagabond named Paul and his journeys in the countryside. He is a real charmer and many women will fall in his lap.
Kulkurin masurkka
Johan nyt on markkinat!
Kankkulan kaivolla
Älä nuolase…
Sailor is brought by the police as a recruit to the navy.
Laivaston monnit maissa
A story takes place within one summery day in a place called Putkinotko on the shore of lake Saimaa in the early 20th century. Juutas and Rosina...
A story of the conflict between the old and new orders of living.
Niskavuoren naiset
Office clerk Eero Koskinen prefers to spend his nights drinking and reminiscing the war with his friends, instead of taking care of his wife and two...
Mies tältä tähdeltä
Directed by Ville Salminen and written by Reino Helismaa, the musical comedy film Kaks tavallista Lahtista (1960) tells the story of two friends...
Kaks' tavallista Lahtista
A story of a mink coat passing from one owner to another binding their fates.
A film centered around a popular Finnish song book
Young advertising executive Vatanen suddenly quits his job and his whole life in Helsinki, and decides to spend a while in the Finnish wilderness. A...
The Year of the Hare
Heavily built young woman Kaisu comes to work in a small grocery store in the countryside, run by a bossy old lady and her tiny and quiet grown-up...
Hardly a Butterfly
Follows the life of a pauper child Vike Nilonpoika from the early 1900's to the 1960s. During this time he works as a lumberjack in Lapland after...
Viimeinen savotta
Yks' tavallinen Virtanen
Oho, sanoi Eemeli
Police chief Olavi, health nurse Liisa Niemi and photo reporter Takola are investigating the disappearance of a local girl.
Taas tyttö kadoksissa!
A military farce from a rookie with over a hundred female pen pals.
Sotapojan heilat
Kaius Kannisto a bachelor who has experienced hard on the love front, goes through his relationships with his four former female friends, the four...
Maria Toikka is called to testify in a trial in which her husband Ville is charged. The assurances show the events that led to the trial from the...
Lain mukaan
Mullin mallin
A young man arrives in the village. He becomes a miller and delights the girls in the village, which evokes bitterness in others. He is subject to...
Nuori mylläri
A Finnish military farce about an elderly man who is commanded back to service.
Vääpelin kauhu