A film containing four short horror stories. The first involves a dangerous ritual done to capture the image of ghost The second story is about a...
Ghost Ghost Ghost!
Two rival gangs, one lead by Taiko Raja(S.Gana) and another lead by Ah Meng (Echo Quah), are always at odds with each other. One day, an incident...
Curry Mee
Is a horror comedy movie which has a touch of Malaysian culture especially the Chinese. This movie contains four different stories and uniquely...
You Believe In Ghost
A poor family struggles to cope with tragedy and mental illness in a fractured society.
Shuttle Life
"Mrs K" is a story of a woman who gives everything that she has to protect her husband and daughter when enemies from her past come hunting her.
Mrs K
A story of two opposites who try to help three ghosts to fulfill their last wishes. During this journey, numerous events will bring both humans and...
Ghost Buddies