This was my first attempt at making a movie. It was unabashedly inspired by Edward D. Wood Jr.'s Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959), one of the culprits...
Brain Waste from Outer Space
In 1992, a group of teenagers began recording horror films with VHS cameras in Palmitos, in the west of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Led by Santa Catarina...
Mato Mato Mato - Canibal Filmes e as Produções de 'Horor' no Oeste de SC
Dr. Rottenberg, the greatest Martian scientist, comes to Planet Earth to make preparations for a wild invasion involving re-animated Earth bodies,...
Hideous Creatures
The day after the carnage initiated by the Martian scientist, a fleet of spacecraft from Mars is called upon to invade Earth, but Dr. Rottenberg's...
Hideous Creatures 2
Three cannibal brothers are visited by their cousins and see a great gastronomic opportunity.
The Incredibly Insane Butcher Boys
Dr. Karloff prisons an alien from the Leguminous Planet and calls his friend Dr. Marins to help him in his experiences, because the Leguminous...
The Leguminous Monster from Outer Space