An omnibus film consisting of ten parts, each directed by a different young director from the Latvian Academy of Culture. The unifying element of the...
Latavio, or Life Nr. 2
To catch a couple of car thieves, a policewoman goes undercover as an old woman that recently has gotten a luxury car "Volga" - a plan that is bound...
Gift for a Single Woman
A young boy finds a watch with an engraving in Spanish saying that the watch belongs to Captain Enrico, and adventures begin...
Captain Enrico’s Watch
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist...
Strong with Spirit
The elderly nursing home residents for years feel worthless and troublesome. But then a crazy idea strikes them - to waive their pensions and enroll...
Then It's Hi! Hi! Hee!
Tereona galva
A white cat owns a mill, but loses the mill to a black cat and the devil. Latvian animation.
The Cat's Mill
A man sees his picture on a 'Most Wanted' board and after going to police he meets someone who looks suspiciously similar to him.
The Double
A young girl is puzzled when she has to choose a husband. She cannot decide whether to marry her childhood friend or a recently met nouveau riche.
Autumn is Still Far Away
Summer, 1940. Foreseeing the collapse of the Ulmanis regime, the owner of a ship sailing off the coast of Latvia decides to flee the country....
Tobago Changes Course