Inside a café, on Christmas Eve. Chim Kei meets an enigmatic woman named Mimi Wong who introduces herself as the daughter of an upper-crust...
Winter Love
The film commences with Ching (Tang Bik-wan) lamenting over her bleak life through singing: her mother died early and her stepmother (Lam Mui-mui) is...
Silk Factory Girl
"Family" (1953), which launched the Union Film legacy, "Spring" (1953) and "Autumn" (1954) are adaptations of Ba Jin's highly regarded novel "Torrent...
Morris the Tailor seeks to get even with Gilbert, Earl of Chen who has stolen a set of expensive clothes from him. Morris bumps into Princess Jenna...
The Prince's Romantic Affairs
Vagabond singer Ali is embroiled in a dispute over love and is compelled to return to his own country. Ali is mistaken for the future queen's consort...
My Kingdom for a Husband
Yuk Yin's father dies and her mother remarries to settle the debts. Yuk Yin lives with Auntie Wong. From then on, Chi Hung, Auntie Wong's son and Yuk...
As Time Goes By
Poor teacher Chan Chi-hong, his wife Lee Yuk-mei and their five children survive on his meagre pay. When he is laid off by two schools in a row, the...
The Great Devotion
Starring Tak-Hing Kwan as Wong Fei-Hung
Wong Fei-Hung Tries His Shadowless Kick
HK mystery film.
Devil's Love
Phantom of the Jade Chamber
A Mad Woman
This is the third sequel of the original film
The Country Bumpkin Tours the City (Part 3)
Hong Kong romance.
Seven Ladies
Law Hing is forced by her stepmother to marry the dumb son of the Tang family. Another girl Au To is forced to marry Ma Siu-fuk, son of the rich Ma...
Five Blessings in a Row
The Kunlun swordsmen carries out a rescue mission to save the little boy who has been abducted by the evil monk. Eager to take revenge on the Kunlun...
The Vagabond Master, Part 3
Hong Kong drama.
Women of Independent Means
The blind Yip Man-chiu was abandoned at birth. Following the death of his foster parents, the boy is sold by his uncle Ah Sam to a blind Taoist...
Adventure of a Blind Kid
Wong Chat is jobless. He is forced to become a burglar. He breaks into Han Siu-yu and her boyfriend Cheung Wai-lim's home, but it is just the time...
The Wonderful Partner
Musical from Hong Kong directed by Chow Sze-Luk.
Paying Nocturnal Mourning to White Lotus
Comedy from Hong Kong directed by Yam Wu-Fa.
A Second Visit to the City of Love
Lam Siu-ming cannot afford tuition and quitted school. His teacher Ms. Chui intercedes with the principal in vain. She quits. Chui became an...
Homeless Children
Upon the death of an elderly master, a family has a dispute over the distribution of an inheritance / jewelry and are haunted by ghosts.
Strange Tale at Midnight
Fong Yim-fun puts on a tour de force as an ill-fated woman, separated from her lover through an arranged marriage to the terminally ill and impotent...
Mysterious Murder, Part One
Mysterious Murder, Part 2
A prodigal son is married to a woman his mother dislikes. The wife is then expelled from the family circle and forced to become independent.
The Prodigal Son
Hong Kong ghost movie set during wartime. Not to be confused with the South Korean film of the same name from the previous year.
The Bride from the Grave
After inheriting his father's estate, Cheung Ka-bo leads a life of debauchery after getting know Blackie Yuen, who profits at others' expense, and...
The Chair
A tangled murder mystery unfolds amid a complex love triangle. As conflicting witness accounts emerge, the truth about the victim and key suspects is...
The Secret
The rapier wit is not only for playful bantering between a couple but also for fighting justice. Famed attorney Sung Sai-kit (Ma Si-tsang) is best...
The Judge Goes to Pieces
The Story of Wong Fei-Hung, Part 4: The Death of Liang Huan is the fourth movie in Kwan Tak-Hing's Wong Fei-Hung series.
The Story of Wong Fei-Hung, Part 4: The Death of Liang Huan
Banker Fung Yan-tsang is a seasoned criminal in fraudulent activities. The righteous cat burglar Ham Siu-fo has issued a deadline for Fung to return...
Twin Sisters
Tang Wan-tung, the son of a Southeast Asian Sultan is a student in Hong Kong. Only Uncle Mui, his guardian, knows his identity. Tang is known as...
The Student Prince
Eighteen Marriages of a Smart Girl