In a castle high on a hill lives Edward; a boy created by an eccentric inventor. When his creator dies he is left alone and unfinished with only...
Edward Scissorhands
Set in London during the Second World War, the drama features Cinderella and a dashing young RAF pilot. Together just long enough to fall in love,...
Matthew Bourne's Cinderella
Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake comes to cinemas with a fresh look for the 21st century and is ‘as bold and beautiful as ever’...
Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake
In County Durham, England, 1984, a talented young dancer, Billy Elliot, stumbles out of the boxing ring and onto the ballet floor. He faces many...
Billy Elliot: The Musical Live
The Red Shoes is a tale of obsession, possession and one girl's dream to be the greatest dancer in the world. Victoria Page lives to dance but her...
Matthew Bourne's The Red Shoes
This new Christmas ballet film was conceived by Matthew Bourne and directed by his long standing film collaborator Ross MacGibbon. The film...
Matthew Bourne's Christmas