Local comedy by Mohd Razif Rashid, "Aji Noh Motor", tells the tale of an older brother named Aji who is willing do to anything for his younger...
Aji Noh Motor
gangster action comedy by director Ismail Bob Hashim, starring Angah and Along Raja Lawak as the leads. "Taikun" tells the story of two men named Tai...
"Nongkrong" features three different men named Aman (Angah), Bada (Sam) and Cumi (Epy) who try to obtain riches through lazy means, by buying lottery...
The sequel to the successful "Adnan Sempit" by Ismail Bob Hashim in 2010 which told the story of Adnan, an orphaned street biker who is cared for by...
Adnan Sempit 2