Two themes arise from the story, themes that are interlocked: the theme of love and of man's eternal submission to traditional symbols. The director...
Tempting the Devil
The last unfinished film by Živko Nikolić. This is "a movie about a movie" which Živko could not finish because of the lack of funds.
Živko Nikolić - Unfulfilled Dream
They meet in Yugoslavia. Katharina, daughter of a Yugoslavian immigrant worker, has grown up in the Federal Republic of Germany. She is a confident,...
Days to Remember
This is a movie about the start of people's uprising in Montenegro in World War II. After the capitulation of the Yugoslav Royal Army in April 1941,...
July 13th
Misa in the music school falls in love with a young Russian girl Natasha, who was then located in Belgrade. But their parents think that they are too...
What Happens When Love Comes to Town
In Autumn of 1941, the German army, determined to put down a Communist-led uprising in Serbia, is conducting a policy of killing 100 hostages for any...
Massacre at Noon
Beginning in 1943. year. The tragic story of the prisoners... partisans and others who were found in a prison in Montenegro at the time when the...
In attempt to find out who he is and where his roots lie, Alija Osmanović discovers something far deeper and more important. He slowly discovers...
The Knife
A story about young orphan girl who was rejected by her mother.