Chaos is unleashed in several villages by an old demonic witch who rises from the dead. In a creepy hut filled with kemenyan incense smoke, an old...
The Skeleton Ghost
"Anak Pontianak" aka "Son of Pontianak' in 1958 starring the Shaw studio's leading lady Hashimah Yon and its male heartthrob Jins Shamsuddin. This...
Son of the Vampire
Amir is a waiter who dreams of becoming a well known composer. He admires Aminah the singer at the place he works. He requests of her to sing his...
Hujan Panas
Things get complicated when Amir returns from the city and tells his mother that he's going to marry Aminah a girl from another village not Rosini....
Abu Hassan is a person who lives on stealing and just wonders about in the city with his dear friend Kassim from one place to another place steling...
Abu Hassan The Thief
Hang Tuah and his four sworn brothers, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu, has pledged to protect the Sultan of Malacca. With their...
Hang Tuah
The movie tells us the story of Hassan who has great passion for music. Hassan and Ani fell in love and ran away to Singapore knowing that their...
My Son Sazali
Aduka and Teruna are sworn brothers. They have been tasked to keep the law and order according to the Islam ways of the village, Semerah Padi. The...
Semerah Padi
The first of the four 'Bujang Lapok' ('Worn Out Bachelor') movies. This first one chronicles the loves and lives of three bachelors living in 1950s...
Bujang Lapok
A deformed hunchback is given a second chance at life, but then he breaks the rules of his benefactor and is transformed into a horrific monster.
Curse of the Oily Man
In a kingdom called Pura Cendana, the ruler Raja Alam Syahbana and the queen decided to adopt a son when they could not have any child of their own....
Musang Berjanggut
Pak Belalang and his son who conspire to portray the latter as an astrologer in an attempt to help out fellow villagers in trouble. Convinced by his...
Nujum Pak Belalang
Film Kaseh Sayang is a a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1957. The film issued in the form of black and white film without color. ...
Kaseh Sayang
Kassim (P. Ramlee) returns to Singapore after finishing his studies in London and is thrust into a betrothal with the daughter of his father’s...
Broken Hearted
Hassan is a sailor that left his pregnant wife, Rubiah, to go sailing. He thought Rubiah died in a fire when their home catch fire. But in reality...
The film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1955. Films issued in the form of black and white film without color. The directed by...