Set in the days of Anti-Japanese War. Doctors of Humanity Hospital save a wounded patriot, but the event is informed to Japanese secret service. How...
The Secret Service in Action
Two famous comedians from pre-Revolution days perform a series of sketches in a theatre for a group of Party cadres. The stage performances blend...
Unfinished Comedy
San mao (3 hairs) was a very popular Chinese comic strip first published in 1935-37, continued from 1948 into the 1990s, about a young orphan boy...
The Winter of Three Hairs
A Sweet Life
Go Home tells the story of an old Peking Opera master, Zhang Jin He (Liu Pei Qi of The Story of Qiu Ju), whose life changes when a young boy shows up...
Go Home
During the Lantern Festival, mother took her daughter Xiaomei to a temple fair. Mother bought a beautiful doll for Xiaomei, and asked the master in...
The Dream of Xiaomei
A soldier finds his new role in the transition from war time to the construction era.
New Story of an Old Soldier
Xiang Zi is a rickshaw boy who has always had a desire to excel and a thirst for freedom. He married Hu Niu who died of dystocia later. After her...
Rickshaw Boy