Passengers aboard a seemingly doomed plane reminisce about their lives, questioning the façade of their daily social activities. Once safe at...
Toda a Vida em 15 Minutos
In the 1930s, in the South of State of Bahia, Brazil, an adventurer with no name or history, who has already been shot seven times, gets involved in...
Of Gods and the Undead
Aventuras d'um Detetive Português
Shortly before becoming a priest, a young man decides to run away from the seminary and goes to Rio de Janeiro. There he will face a series of...
O Padre Que Queria Pecar
No Trampolim da Vida
After the death of her handsome but good-for-nothing husband Vadinho, Flor, a widow, marries Dr. Teodoro, a respectable gentleman. Hilarity ensues...
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands
On the eve of her wedding, Glorinha finds herself looking back at her life and confronting the injustices, sexual perversions, adultery and crimes...
The Wedding
O Donzelo
Bububu no Bobobó
In Buenos Aires, Frederico hides in a ship going to Rio de Janeiro to travel for free. But Azulão, the cook, finds him and blackmails him into...
Aviso aos Navegantes
A hard working man goes to São Paulo to look for his twin brother unaware that he's famous for his lazyness.
É com Este que Eu Vou
A man dies and in heaven receives the mission of helping his former boss love life.
Fantasma por Acaso
Cícero and Samantha are lovers who are going to spend a "honeymoon" in Teresina. However, the girl dies suddenly and Cicero calls his friend...
Como nos Livrar do Saco
Loucos Por Música