When Summer’s mother Vivian moves in with her and her young daughter Chloe, her orderly existence is upended. Upon arrival, Vivian sets up an...
A Magical Christmas Village
An intimate, observational portrait unfolds as an actor prepares to perform a new work, while interrogating the process of shaping one’s...
With her husband away at work, and her son at school, Laura dreams of a home-renovation project to supplant her restless days. Elliott, her...
Infidelity in Suburbia
Lily produces a wedding reality show, but her success driven world is flipped when her ex, Scott, is cast as groom-to-be. Lily must revisit her past...
Love, Take Two
Ruby and Detective Killian investigate a suspicious fatal car accident. With their yin and yang relationship, they solve the case, until Ruby finds...
Ruby Herring Mysteries: Her Last Breath