Three friends meet in a central cheerful pastime. After strolling along the boulevards, they are in nature. The dark side of the forest reveals the...
The Way
The tragicomedy of the absurd, is based on the works of Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). Trying to recreate reality 30s, who came to the flowering of...
A film-parable about the eternal movement of mankind from the Stone Age to self-destruction.
Incredible phantasmagoria of merry-go-round people, who are usually called the dregs of society .
Crazy Town
Several fragments of one day in Leningrad in the autumn of 1989, refracted in the imagination of the artist.
All day of St. Petersburg bohemia in 4 minutes of the film.
An experimental sitcom, shot in the style of silent films of the early twentieth century. A parody of military-patriotic films. The plot of the film...
The first Surrealist film perestroika years.
A satire on Soviet propaganda based on Mayakovsky's poems.
The Man Mayakovsky
The saga of Pushkin and the Decembrists, based on a letter by Matvey Muravyov-Apostol, found in Yalutorovsk during the Soviet era.
A Letter to the Future