This fairy tale film is dedicated to the memory of the great film director Alexander Row, the founder of the genre. Once upon a time there lived a...
Finest, the Brave Falcon
Goodbye, Boys! is the coming-of-age tale of three teenagers graduating from a Communist school during World War II. It's summer, and their main...
Goodbye, Boys!
The story of the "Hutsul Robin Hood" Oleksa Dovbush, an 18th century Carpathian Mountains outlaw who's a popular figure of Ukrainian legend.
Oleksa Dovbush
About the life of the Russian composer Mikhail Glinka.
The Great Glinka
During the brutal siege of Leningrad in the Second World War, musicians are able to stage a public performance of the Seventh Symphony by Dmitry...
Leningrad Symphony
Based on the operetta of the same name by Isaak Dunayevsky. The port town of one of the small southern countries. After the Nazi occupiers left, the...
Wind of Freedom
Based on the short story by Jack London. 1910 year. Mexican patriots are preparing an uprising against the dictatorship of Diaz. Young Felipe Rivera...
The Mexican
Based on the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. The tragic story of the Karamazov family takes place in a Russian province in the late 19th...
The Brothers Karamazov
A man from a poor noble family named Aldemaro falls in love with the daughter of a rich gentleman. He comes up with a pseudonym and introduces...
Dance Teacher
Fourteen-year-old Vera Telegina sees the sea, which she had dreamed of since childhood. She is here only because her parents were repressed and she...
A Sinful Angel
The builders of the metallurgical plant and the new city of Nowa Huta were invited to appear on television in the “Yesterday –...
This Village Mogila...
A satirical express train sets off on its way. The driver S. Mikhalkov gives a farewell beep ... On the first carriage an inscription - "Summer...
Big "Wick"