Switzerland, 1955. The young orphan Max is sent as a foster child and contracted to work for the Bösiger family who lives on a farm. His foster...
The Foster Boy
A young teacher in Zurich in the 1950s falls in love with a transvestite star but is torn between his bourgeois existence and his commitment to...
The Circle
Martin Kušej's brilliant 2006 Carmen represents a landmark interpretation of a truly timeless opera. Led by Rolando Villazón as Don...
Late at night, the psychologist Eliane Hess is called to the hospital to take care of Yves, an eight-year-old boy, who just has lost his parents and...
Dark Fortune
When a convicted felon fails to return from his prison leave and a young woman is found murdered, forensic psychiatrist Roman Mettler finds himself...
Andreas is a journalist covering a story on Larissa, a patient with tuberculosis. At the hospital he meets a nurse called Yvonne. The encounter with...
Set in Zurich in the 1950s, a special agent who is near retirement receives a major assignment: Bring down Harry Wind, a top PR manager who has been...
In 1933 in Berlin. Anna is only nine years old when her life changes from the ground up. To escape the Nazis, her father Arthur Kemper, a well-known...
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
Fritz Reinhart is a successful surgeon in Zurich suddenly faced with the suffering in a refugee camp on the Burmese border during his vacation in...
How About Love