A young department store worker discovers a magical lantern which contains the spirit of Tsuboi, a genie who has just one last chance to help someone...
In this sweeping swordplay saga from Korea, a dedicated band of warriors from the Baekje Dynasty travel to Japan in hopes of mending the broken...
Wakabayashi Ema is a temporary employee who works at a banquet hall where glamorous celebrities gather. But, she loses her job after protesting...
Witch's Perfume
This is the third volume of a series of one-episode horror dramas based on rumored haunted places, real-life stories, and accidents that occurred in...
Damned Files 3
In modern-day Tokyo, Hayato and Ami, high school students who are in a relationship, get into a fight over Hayato's lack of commitment to their...
Beautiful Pecopin and the Devil
When a powerful new Makamou attacks and defeats Hibiki, Asumu dives into Takeshi’s history and discovers a book that details the ancient Oni...
Kamen Rider Hibiki The Movie: Hibiki & The Seven War Oni
Toyama Shōgawa kai satsujin jiken