This satirical comedy revolves around Tatah, a maladjusted, poor man from Abdeen who befriends a woman online with help from his nephew. Just as his...
A man is in love with a woman only to discover that she's a single mother with two children. Her children end up playing pranks on him while he is...
This is Love
A group of youngsters establishes a private university after failing to get high grades in high school. They reveal through this university a lot of...
The work revolves around a wedding planner, who seeks help from a psychiatrist who specializes in romantic relationships.
Colorful Black
An Egyptian guy who loves Boxing . He left his home and travelled to Cairo to train . He loved a girl but her dad refused him . He fights to be the...
Helm Al Omr
Seeking job opportunities, a young man arrives in Cairo and becomes increasingly involved with the family of a wealthy businessman.
Life's Speed Bump
Roshdy is a carefree young man who spends his time at nightclubs with women. When his uncle dies, Roshdy is to receive all his fortune but on one...
Mr. Romantic
An unassuming fruit seller is assigned a crucial mission with regional implications and emerges as an international hero.
El Fil Fel Mandil
Amira loves to sing and dreams of being an artist,but her uptight father refuses that. So she works in public relations .But when her father gets...
Get Singing
A just-married couple moves into their new home, finding themselves at war with the kids next door, who seem determined to make their lives miserable.
Best Neighbors
The events take place in a dramatic framework; where a child gets lost from his family, and one of the employees of the shelter adopts him and raises...
El Ashash