Set in the 1980s, Tolani Ajao is a bank secretary in Lagos, who finds herself persuaded by her friend Rose Adamson to enter the world of drug...
James runs into his celebrity crush at the wrong time and place, he is mistaken for a captain, and for that reason Eni falls in love with him. James...
The Big Fat Lie
A legendary musician's life and family are turned upside down when a scandal is revealed on the eve of his 60th birthday.
Traumatised and fearful, she drives him to expose the culprit and other corrupt officers tarnishing the reputation of the Nigerian Police Force,...
Force Empire
A movie script writer tries to create a storyboard for an upcoming project, which is causing her stress, with writer’s block and a deadline to...
The Screenplay
Antar Laniyan ,as a king goes against the custom and tradition of the land, to stop the usage of human being for yearly sacrifice of the gods.
A handsome stranger offers a widow who is struggling to bring up her children by selling food on the roadside, a cleaning job. The job pays more but...
Impossible Relationships
Ohun Oko Somida