The film, set in the 1980s, is centred upon a young student, from 1982 as a freshman and ending in 1986. The background is the last years of Martial...
Philippine Science
Rome and Ethan have been together for 14 years. He is the love of her life, and she is his number one supporter. They are each other's firsts, and to...
A college heartthrob meets a college newbie - a challenge, a tension, a discovery, and a love that will change everything between them.
Ben & Sam
A mysteries happening in the province of Batangas. It soon happens upon the arrival of a city veterinarian named Frederick. He is summoned by the...
Bala Bala: Maniwala Ka
A lady cop who moves into a small town gets drawn to a case that involves a girl that's possessed by an evil spirit.
Ang Pagsanib kay Leah Dela Cruz
It follows Madame Bato-Bato, a rich widowed mom who has everything except the attention of her only son. He then crosses path with Chito, a rich...
Feelennial: Feeling Millennial