The lives of different sets of people residing in Kasimedu change irreversibly overnight after an unforeseen incident. What happens next and how does...
A man who works for a seedy private detective decides to turn over a new leaf, but ends up antagonising the men behind his last assignment, and gets...
Oomai Sennai
This coming-of-age drama follows Saba, the happy-go-lucky protagonist, through the years leading up to his adulthood and highlighting events of...
Saba Nayagan
The film is based on the philosophy that dreams will be fulfilled, presenting Jai as having a fetish for writing a diary, while changing things that...
Young lovers defy their families, which are at odds with each other, and get married and migrate to the city. With no jobs and no one to support...
Nalanum Nandhiniyum
The investigation over an IT professional's death faces twists and turns as truths about the victim start coming out and he is found to have had...
Sampath is an expert in car, seizing, and works for Atul Kulkarni, who is a financier in North Madras. Burma aka Parandhaman works under Sampath for...
Saravanan and Magizhnila, deeply in love, are looking to secure their future together but need more financial stability. When Magizhnila lands a...