While in the middle of fighting, the Gekirangers and Mere are teleported to Hong Kong, along with Rio and various other martial artists around the...
Juken Sentai Gekiranger: Nei-Nei! Hou-Hou! Hong Kong Decisive Battle
In the ruined house, a member of the rock band breaks a seal to shut Melon the witch. And then Melon murders the members of the band one after...
Youjo Melon
Zenjiro (Masaru Shiga) is a lowlife criminal, roaming the country with his merry band of crooks, gamblers and rapists. When he gets done with his...
The General and His Empire of Joy
A corrupt cop teams up with an unlikely partner to protect the city from a gang of ruthless drug addicts.
Savage City: Angel Whisper
Tetsuo was suddenly told goodbye by Ginji. As for the farewell, only one of the tables was a real wad of bills and a full trunk. And, in that, there...
Black Market Emperor: Silver and Gold 2
Hitomi, a former orphan who is trying to leave behind her delinquent ways, one day agrees to tutor a wealthy young boy who has just become an orphan...
Leave My Girl Alone
A series of bizarre murders targeting only female rock vocalists. Another popular vocalist has begun to be targeted ... The mental horror that slowly...
Shout: Angels Crying