In the 1920’s, The Golden Age cabaret is a favorite nightly haunt. The young fisherman Boris falls in love with Rita. He follows her to the...
Bolshoi Ballet: The Golden Age
Armand Duval finds himself at the auction of the famous courtesan Marguerite Gautier’s possessions after she passed away. She was...
Bolshoi Ballet: The Lady of the Camellias
The Bolshoi’s grandiose epic Spartacus recounts the story of a Roman slave’s fight for freedom. With its famous Khachaturian score, since...
Bolshoi Ballet: Spartacus
During harvest festival at a collective farm, a visiting dance troupe reunites a ballerina with her childhood friend Zina. In order to teach her...
Bolshoi Ballet: The Bright Stream
Carmen: Impetuous Carmen seduces Don José in order to convince him to let her out of jail. Once outside, she thinks she’s finally free...
Bolshoi Ballet: Carmen Suite / Petrushka